Certification In Food, Nutrition and Dietetics

4.9 star (500+ Student Google Reviews)


Only a superb teacher can deliver an excellent course. It makes no difference what your educational background is. You will fall in love with the topic of nutrition thanks to the excellent explanations provided by our lecturers, who hold global certifications. The greatest nutrition course available in India is this one. You will gain a solid fundamental understanding of nutrition with the aid of our teachers. You'll learn how to create diet charts for various types of clients LIVE in class and they will also teach you how to put what you have learned into practice! Also, you'll learn various methods for contacting potential clients. You will gain confidence in obtaining new clients and creating nutrition regimens for weight management, weight loss and muscle building.
Course Duration - 3 months
Format - Online and offline
Language - English and Hindi
Certificates - 1
Expert mentors from around the world
25000+ students certified
50+ hours of learning
30+ lectures
Platform - Zoom, Gmeet, Teams and Jitsi
Android and iOS app available


  • Introduction To The Nutrition, Dietetics & Wellness Industry
  • Understanding The Evidence Based Methodology For Nutrition & Wellness
  • Defining Health & Various Assessments Of Health - BMI, DEXA  Scanning, Hip To Waist Ratio and Body Fat Calipers And More.
  • Human Physiology & Nutrition
  • Concepts Of Nutrients, Macro- Nutrients, Micro- Nutrients & RNI
  • The Law Of Energy Balance
  • Fundamentals Of Carbohydrates
  • Fundamentals Of Protein
  • Fundamentals Of Fat
  • Art Of Calculating Calories In A Meal
  • Preparing A Plan According To Target Calories
  • Metabolism
  • Supplementation 1 - Fundamental Supplements For General Populations & Aids For Weight Loss
  • Hydration
  • How Do We Decide Target Calories ?
  • Preparing A Plan For Weight Loss Manually
  • Preparing A Plan For Weight Loss Through Softwares
  • Preparing A Plan For Weight Gain
  • Difference Between Vegetarian & Non - Vegetarian Meal Planning
  • Industry Level Diet Plan Presentation Techniques
  • Optimum Wellness Diet Presentation Style
  • The Art Of Coaching, Selling & Mentoring Clients
  • Marketing Lecture 1 - Client Reviews, Setting Up Testimonials, Optimising Instagram, Fundamentals Of Designing & Hiring ( Entrepreneurship)
  • Marketing Lecture 2 - Pillars Of Becoming A Wellness Entrepreneur
  • Communicating With Clients & Professional Communication Lecture - 1
  • Communicating With Clients & Professional Communication Lecture - 2
  • Micro-Nutrients 1 - Fundamentals
  • Advanced Concepts Of Micronutrients - 2
  • Nutrition Myths
  • Bonus lecture - Types Of Diets



Lead Instructor
Mr. Alan Baptist

India’s Best Wellness Coach

Lead Instructor
Mr. Vinit Baptist

India’s Best Fitness Coach

Lead Instructor
Dr. Oindrilla


Lead Instructor
Dr. Maninder

Nutrition Consultant

Lead Instructor
Mr. Geoff Futch

PhD, Biomechanics

Lead Instructor
Mr Sutanu Sardar

Head fitness faculty

10+ certificates AWARDED


International Standards Certification
ISO 9001-2015
Global Accreditation Assessment Forum Series

Listen to our students

"I learned the fundamentals of fitness, nutrition, exercise science, training, and coaching at my own pace through this program. The best part is that getting certified isn't difficult or time-consuming because mentors are available 24/7 to help you out. The lectures kept me motivated and driven!"

Rajpreet Singh

Fitness coach

The online courses at are developed to meet the demands of busy professionals, which was a huge plus point for me. It is possible to fit the convenient, self- paced online nutrition course into even the busiest of schedules. The curriculum covered a wide range of topics such as nutrition, weight loss, and more!

Pinky Guchhait

Dance Teacher

"Optimum Wellness Academy offers the best platform to learn about nutrition, fitness, and dietetics. You can also connect with mentors in real-time who are always available to answer any questions you may have. Now, I can enhance my athletic performance with the right information."

Sounab Chakraborty

State Level Footballer


Start your career in nutrition by learning about relevant topics such as Weight Management, Weight Loss, Fat Loss and Muscle Building and learn how to craft scientific diet plans to transform people's health and lives positively!


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